A documentary short from director Mitoshka Alkova.
This British Council KSA and Arts University Bournemouth funded documentary explores the sounds and heritage of Al-'Ula, an ancient Arabic oasis city located in the Medinah province of northwestern Saudi Arabia.
Through a selection of field-notes covering the sounds and rocky textures of the desert city, and intimate documentation of members of the local community, the film seeks to discover the 'Voices of Alula'.
Syren Studios elevates this experimental exploration through detailed textural and atmospheric sound design, highlighting the sounds of Al-’Ula, as well as incorporating beautiful field recordings captured by Syren’s own Becky Alvaro on location in Saudi Arabia.
“This journey is punctuated by intricate sound design, photographic exploration and the curious wondering ear of the creators.”
— ‘Voices of Alula’ dir. Mitoshka Alkova
Syren’s previous documentary collaboration with Mitoshka Alkova.