Data as Culture is the art programme at The ODI. Data as Culture has always been about data people, because as soon as you start to think about data - about how it effects us, how it describes us - you realise that people are at the heart of all of that. Artists are experts at interrogating that, and finding out new ways to think about it.

Hannah Redler Hawes

Director, Data as Culture Art Programme


A 17 minute video featuring interviews and footage of art installations and exhibits.

Data as Culture is the art programme at the Open Data Institute. The ODI funds artists to develop projects and exhibitions at the ODI offices, in which data is used as an art medium, making us consider the truth of data. This short video celebrates 10 years of the DAC programme, in which the curators and artists reflect on some of their best work and the inspirations behind them.

Sound Design Open Data Institute DAC


Data as Culture at The ODI